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Home > Recipes > Filet Mignon Recipes > How to Cook Filet Mignon Perfectly

Should Steaks Be At Room Temperature Before Cooking?

Many people say that you should take your steaks out of the fridge for 30 minutes before cooking them. I find this to be helpful if I’m cooking steaks to medium-well or well-done. If they’re already at room temperature, then you don’t need them to cook for quite as long, and thus don’t risk burning the outside before the inside is to temperature.

What if you like your steak rarer than that though? Lots of people take them out of the fridge early regardless. The reason, I believe, is that they’re going to be cooking for such a short time that, if they’re cold when you start, they may still be cold in the middle when the outside is perfectly seared. They’re trying to achieve more evenly cooked steaks. But I don’t really buy this reasoning. To me, it can be hard to get a good sear on a steak that you’re not going to be cooking for very long.

And, one super-easy technique to allow them to be seared for longer and thus get an even darker, crisper crust, is to cook them straight from the fridge. If they’re cold, they’ll take longer to get to your desired internal temperature, which means that you get to sear them for longer, which means a better crust.

So then, it’s really up to you. But, if you’re a rarer steak person and have been taking your steaks out early all these years, try cooking them straight from the fridge. And if you’re a more well-done steak person and you haven’t been taking your steak out of the fridge for a bit before cooking it, give it a try!


  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 (6 oz.) filet mignon steaks
  • 1 Tbsp. cooking oil
  • 1 Tbsp. butter (optional)


  1. Sprinkle the salt evenly over all sides of each steak. Set aside 30 minutes to allow steaks to come to room temperature, if desired (see info about this above).
  2. Preheat a medium cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil to skillet and swirl it around.
  3. When oil is shimmering, put steaks in the skillet. Cook 5 minutes. Turn steaks, cook until desired temperature is reached, as read on an instant-read thermometer (see * below for approximate times and temperatures).
  4. Remove steaks from skillet. If desired, slice butter and put it on top or underneath the steaks. Let steaks stand 5 minutes before serving.


*If steaks are cooked straight from the fridge, they may need additional time.

Rare (120-125°F): 4 minutes each side
Medium-Rare (125-130°F): 5 minutes each side
Medium (135-140°F): 6 minutes each side
Medium-Well (145-150°F): 7 to 8 minutes each side
Well (160°F+): 8-10 minutes each side

Recipe courtesy of Cook The Story