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Home > Recipes > Pork Chop Recipes > Tom's Simple Brine Recipe (Pork Chops or Chicken)

Brining adds flavor and ensures juiciness in your chicken or pork.

Here's the recipe:
3 cups cold water divided

3 tablespoons coarse salt or 2 1/2 tablespoons table salt

Optional flavorings:
2-3 smashed garlic cloves

One tablespoon peppercorns

Couple of bay leaves

Bring one cup water to boil, add salt and flavorings, stir to dissolve the salt.

Add the 2 remaining cups of water to cool down the brine.

Put your chops or chicken in a sip bag or dish and pour in the brine.

If you're a little short, add one cup water to one tablespoon salt.

Brine at least 4 hours. I have brined for 24 hours, especially a whole chicken. There is no salty taste

Enjoy! Tom